Results are here guys, congratz to everyone o/
1. The individual placing goes like this:
1) Luciole&Cross = 65 points (MAX)
2) Kyoroichi&Mentaltsuii = 56 points
3) Breaker&Draga = 55 points
4) D4RK = 45 points
5) xBerserkerDrew = 43 points
6) SwordBankai&HedgeProduction = 42 points
7) Sagiki = 39 points
8) Lilcrow = 26 points
9) Kisagi = 24 points
10) LevitatingSkies = 23 points
11) Notorious = 18 points
12) Uniquedazzle,Mitsuo,TheSunlight9 = 13 points
13) Ooo5951 = 7 points (less than 1:30)
Gratz to our Winners <3
2. The placing with the teams goes like this:
A) Lonely Valentines:
Kyoroichi, MentalTsui = 56 points
Sagiki = 39 points
HedgeProduction, Swordbankai = 42 points
Lilcrow972 = 26 points
Notorious = 18 points
xberserkerdrew = 43 points
TOTAL: 218 points
B) The Gentlemen
Luciole, Cross = 65 points
Breaker, Draga = 55 points
Ooo5951 = 7 points
LevitatingSkies = 23 points
D4RK = 45 points
Uniquedazzle,Mitsuo,TheSunlight9 = 13 points
Kisagi = 24 points
TOTAL: 232 points
The Gentlemen have won this IC!! Gratz to them!!!!