Oh Yo there nice to see you drop by again Anita :)
Sweet vid yo~ I liked the way you told the story, and the cute effects hehe, overall it was a beautiful video, but it had some irrelevant things like the title's relationship with the song and the vid, mainly because it wasn't that "dark" till the ending, and the other problem with the ending is that I felt like there was a big story "jump" because I didn't really understand what was going on, as in why he killed her and how the other guy came back to life (Sorreh lul I don't watch naruto)
But yesh, the story telling was nice till that stage.
Editing wise I believe it would have been prettier if you had tried to sync better with the music, because imo the sync was off here. The transitions and scen selection that I found weird might have been actually cool if sync-d better. I don't really know tho so I won't talk a lot about it Lol.
But yea nice vid! keep going!