such description wow! I can understand the story and sacrifice in this MEP, so much hart! Hart!!
Very nice stuff guys! I felt a lot of energy coming from this MEP. Individual parts all had strong points in them, and in general the video was great.
Very happy guys. Well done for an IC and a MEP in general yo!
Now in your part Danny, I believe you showed a massive amount of both energy and improvement. The fact that you're growing more and more accustomed with the camera is honorable. The camera is a key factor when it comes to action editing (or at least the style that most of this team has adopted. Praise da lord Pieetrr (/*o*)/ <3 ).
Now what you can focus on would be your pacing. It seems like you're spending too much time thinking about the fact that the category you're doing is action, and therefore you tend to intensify everything as much as you can. Which is honorable but too much intensity becomes a negative when the song pace is slow. So in the 1st few seconds of your part you picked the right timing to change your clips, but the clips themselves had so much motion (therefore intense) You better choose calmer scenes for calmer music, so that your pace clearly jumps when the song does too.
Ohh and perhaps you should consider tuning your flashes down, as they become way too bright at some stages. Try performing a flash, make it obvious if you want but not THAAAAT obvious Lol, totally blocking the screen makes it easier to put any 2 clips together, but the successful flash is one that doesn't hide the screen completely yet still the 2 clips will work together in harmony (due to the scene selection being fine).
Mastah you already know everything positive and negative about your part Lol, so I won't say much, but yea as I told you I don't think you did bad at all. You came up with a good result but with less effort and techniques than you usually do which is totally fine yo. You don't have to kill yourself every time you feel like editing xD
Yao Andrew! your part showed so much energy (as usual hehe) scene selection was splendid, flow was spectacular yo! but again your internal sync wasn't a strong point. That was the case mainly at the beginning with the scene where the cam zooms out from the battleship, and I think I understand what the issue is here, you're focusing way too much on maintaining your suberp flow and atmosphere that you find yourself obliged to disregard the sync at some stages. Now this could be called a style, but my suggestion would be not to leave some of your scenes playing for so long (like the battleship @ the beginning) if you end the clip a bit earlier on the position of a beat you can decrease the amount of internal sync loss, and maybe also maintain your superb flow and atmosphere. But yea this will result in you basically compressing your scene selection "AT SOME STAGES" (since most of this part was superb in general and I wouldn't wish for any compression Lol) to fit 2-3-4 more clips.
Enkai u silent man u just appear without me even noticing and make your appearance in such a boss MEP, Hehe good job man! Your part flowed so good with the rest of the MEP, and your clips flowed so good with each other. My only small complaint would be the need for a larger amount of clips to move through. Your sync was mostly good since you sprinkled a few tea spoons of lights and shakes on it (what a choice of words Lol) but the clip still lacked intensity due to the small amount of clips you used. So yea I suggest that you do not change the style you followed here. As the atmosphere was very good, but try to fit more clips and that is all. Good job tho you're improving dude!
The overall score for this from me would be a clean 3/5 You guys have done good! Best of luck in the IC!