A lot of transitions (crossfades mostly) are hard on the eye and the blur does not help,more like it adds oil to the fire at some parts.My advice to begin with is to use smaller amounts of blur-it still will get the job done,and crossfade between frames with similar lighting/colouring.Some zooms are not correct and throw off the viewer(examples 0:59,1:05).Not correct in the way that where you zoom it was already well detailed in the previous scene and the change in angle and prospective does not make it a decent transition and takes away from the amv.
A lot of flashes felt like too short and overpowering.In 1:25 looks like you used the same scene as in 1:42,even if its not the same it looks identical and most people will get turned off by noticing this.I don't know if it's just me but in youtube the amv is in not good quality with some light pixelation even in places.When you post here its better to post a download link rather a YT stream but i get the idea that this isnt 100% youtube and its at least one of: your render settings are found wanting,your converter is not a good one and/resulting-in/or your footage is bad quality.Better check on that.
Your coloring is mostly on the good side but the lack of A grade quality footage drags it down a bit.
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