Hello everybody, my real name is George(6972126511callme2nite)
I am (right now...) 18 yrs old
I like pancakes
I like bacon
I like mitsos
I like stavros
I like my anikis
I have a deep world and can sometimes be romantic and gentleman... but in general I'm just a #yolo not_good_for_your_health person.
You add me in skype with your own risk(anyone who plays risk I'm having a risk night in a couple of weeks, he's invided, except of you Pony, cuz ur far away, nothing more...)
I'm a geek concerning strategy board games and I have no friends irl so I'm just playing with my imaginary ones and my cat
I don't have a cat
You break my aniki, I break your bones (except GearSix maybe, he's always missing and I can't really tell if he's an aniki or not... so yeah, sorry man... you have to communicate more...)
I like you :3