I don't know how it never occurred to me to share this, but I'm doing so now.
Are you a sony vegas editor who STILL experiences random crashes when editing/rendering? Hopefully not after you try this.
Step 1: Right click your vegas icon on your desktop and go to properties
Step 2: From there you go to the Compatibility section on top
- Spoiler:
Step 3: Change the compatibility mode to Windows Vista
- Spoiler:
I cant promise you that this is going to work because I don't know every situation ever, but this is what fixed mine and I've been living for a few months now without a crash.
Note that this doesn't make vegas immune to badly coded files that are more complex than DNA. The corrupt file that kills your vegas the moment you drop it will probably continue giving you troubles. This method is for the unexpected unexplained crashes.
And I hope this helps.