- AlchemistEskimo wrote:
- The obvious downfall of this video is that Ivan likes K-on and is thus a child diddler.
I was waiting for the critique you promised to write lol.
@the video, I thought you guys did really great. Its very intense and the flow is good throughout the entire thing. Fx were quite cool too but there were a few short comings imo.
Like for example the alternative mouth and eye placed on guts at the beginning were not bad for a method of synchronizing, but it really didn't look pretty to be honest, needed better blending, and the scene @ 0:22 of the mullet dude moving backwards after casca's scene moving inward kind of disrupted the entire flow and also the scene itself didn't look that pretty. Could have been left without.
The btoom part was the one I really loved compared to the other parts (which were also good). The camera was just really smooth and the transitions were very cool. However my complaints with this 1 is that the bomb mask @ 0:36 <<< had a white outline with extremely rough edges that were clear to me without having to pause, also 0:39 was kind of a waste of consecutive bets for me. The same technique was applied on previous section of the part so being repetitive isn't that helpful really. But really cool part.
Tokyo ghoul was quite cool probably 2nd fav. It didn't really have any issues that stood out for me because it didn't try to achieve anything in the 1st place. Just scenes, but executed properly. Still I wouldn't recommend trying to reach nowhere with your parts.
Akame ga Kill errmaahgeeeeerd!! I errmahgerd at the anime Lol, the part itself was cool, but personally I didn't love it as much as others did. The blood cells sequence was incredibly cool I give you that, but stages like 1:32 - 1:36 killed the entire atmosphere for me, also transition there wasn't done very well. Still a cool part just like the MEP.
In general I believe you guys did incredible, Ivan clearly outdid himself (which is why he's a cunt sucker now and won't edit), and sofi just sits on her throne like always. Good stuff guys!